Read the bottom article about the potential perversion of Tibetan Sand Mandalas by his friend Jaye first if you want to understand my 'beat-nik style' ramblings that incorporate my experience last night at the Source Family Reunion that was held at the new ah-mazing venue in the City of Angels, "The Echoplex.")
In India they might say, "Please don't change the 'Subji'... but do excuse me while i ramble on (rose)..." Om Namo Shivayah!- All praises to the grateful lord of death & transformation dancing on the corpse of ego- Om Namah Shivayah!
After Seeing the gorgeous DHS sunrise following my return from the Source Family Reunion in Echo (HELLO...HELlo... hello!) Park last night...
I must say this is an interesting read & the absolute farthest concept i expected to threaten to "warp this fragile little mind" (with apologies to the writers of South Park!) this morning...
The part of the read about the 'wiley' coyote tibetan monks & the porn tape, was like a twisted groundhog's day experience, as after the performance ended last night & just before i retrieved a chair for living-rock-legend/rainbow-tribal-elder/jim morrison-inspiration/flower-power shaman/lead-seed-singer sky 'sunlight' saxon, who's sixties-something legs were getting wobbly as he wrote a ("future ebay-bound..." as he had just joked on stage) blessing/autograph for yet another fan... exhausted from his performance-of-a-lifetime after all the rehearsal & traveling from no. cal. with his lovely new wife sabrina & their cute little chi-wow-wa 'lucy'... a chair to help this brother relax & keep from fainting... this brother that had some 3 decades before caused throngs of young screaming teen age women to have music-induced orgasms at the packed nearby hollywood bowl with his 17 minute version of "Up In Her Room" etc... who had tonight instead helped open up the door to the 'mother ship' as he had also intoned up there during his set, to invite the hundreds of humans present to follow him into a god-gasm with his Father...
so, i had been watching the after concert videos being projected up on the screen ah-midst the swirling-sixties-style light show above the stage while vdo-taping the cosmic meet & greet action at the Source/Sky-Sunlihgt-Saxon-Seeds/Entrance merchandise table aglow with huge 3' tall candles that i was continually lighting my tibetan incense from that even the echoplex security guys let me keep burning after they found out it wasn't actually a cigarette after all- unlike the mean security at the halloween marlin bar cubensis show, thus limiting the effect of my Oppressed Burmese/Tibetan Monk holloween costume that night... but, shirley...
And up on the screen in between the kung-fu fighting vdos & super-imposed also in the huge Source(surrounding-the-rolls-royce)Family Portrait that had been up there during all of YaHoWha13's inspiring set & had appeared full spread in the now famous LA Weekly Father Yod 8/31/0h Seven (gregorian calendar) issue... appeared the big words in red: 'FBI Warning' with the standard threat of fine & imprisonment for illegal duplication, & i wondered were we about to visually absorb some obscure Source Family vdo to help promote it's sale? Only to be fooled by my own preconception, as what appeared over the early Lost Angeles'-most-peaceful-cult- photo projection was a wide open yoni (skt- noun, female labia) with a lingam (skt- noun, male phallus) entering & retreating rapidly for a second or two, followed for another equal amount of time by a woman feasting on a man's phallus...
So in the sense of the old sixties adage, the night was now complete- as the performers had given us the 'rock n' roll,' & they & the environment had given us the psychedelic (contact) 'high' (as well as whatever electric kool-aid may have been sipped- the jury is still out on whether anyone even needed the physical psycho-delic activation there... maybe younger attendees, because all of us older 'living-legends-in-our-own-minds' certainly had plenty of 'flashbacks' to tap into...)
& now the 'profane' porn sex had been transformed into the 'sacred tantric' act of 'yod-ic (sic) union,' as it had 'popped up' right in front of our collective 3rd eye in the middle of this "Source-Family-Survival-Cell-Ah-Bration," completing the triangle...
Or was it "Gas (OUCH!), Grass or Ass! Nobody Rides for Free"?
But speaking of the Ride, this story below is one "hellovuh ride"...
If the author's theory proves true, it fit's into the age-old category that holds the alleged theory that adolph hitler sent envoys to tibet to bring back teachings of magic & mystery that had up to that time been used for the benefit of all beings, only to be brought back for mass nazi mind-control techniques that utilized & perverted the also sacred swastika- ancient asian, indian & native american symbol of good luck!
And, also in reference to this piece, to borrow from another decades-old adage: "We Are What We Eat!"... if we "Are What We In-Corporate," I will invoke the irony exhibited by the Zen Groucho Marxist-Loving friends in the "This Very Weekend" University of Massachusetts-honored band, the Grateful Dead... When they sing in their classic song "Helena Bucket,"
"We may be going to hell in a bucket, baby... but at least we're enjoying the ride... Ride, Ride, Ride! At least we're enjoying the ride!"
Paul Krassner wrote:
Mandala Magic
Posted by Lava Cocktail at Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:58:00 AM and
is filed under The Dark Side of Spirituality
Mandala Magic
Jaye Beldo
Recently, I remembered an incident from about 16 years ago when I was
involved with Tibetan Buddhism:
I volunteered to chauffeur the touring Gyuto Monks of the Tantric
University, so
they could give demonstrations of their unique chanting abilities at
locations in the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. They also were
sand mandalas, one at a museum in downtown St. Paul and another at the
Minneapolis Institute of the Arts (MIA). 3-M, a local corporation
supplied the
colored sand used in the MIA mandala's construction. The sand was
the purpose of this being that once a special adhesive was applied to
individual grains, they would all fuse together and permanently
preserve the
mandala. As I drove the monks around the metro area, I tried getting
them to
rebel against both 3-M and the MIA's preservation plans, stressing that
Americans needed to learn about impermanence via witnessing the
destruction of
the mandala. But they wouldn't go along with my suggestion and agreed
that the
mandala could be archived so it would bring to people awareness of
plight. (They did sweep up the sand mandala they made in St. Paul
however and
ceremoniously dumped it into a nearby river).
If Navahoe sand painters, who use their mandalas for healing purposes ,
ever presented with the suggestion that a corporation and a museum
could supply
them with sand in which to permanently preserve, then display their
work, they
would be utterly appalled and no doubt would instantly reject the idea,
smelling some rat underneath.
I eventually gave up trying to incite the monks and they completed the
mandala-but not without stirring up some controversy. On a video
monitor in the
gallery where they were working, one of the monks actually put in a
porn tape
for musuem attendees to watch, instead of the instructional video
showing up
close how sand mandalas were constructed.
After the wiley monks went on to their next tour destination, an MIA
then dangled from a secured harness directly over the sand mandala and
the bonding agent, (listening to Heavy Metal music according to someone
I knew
who worked at MIA at the time.)
For the last sixteen years or so, the mandala has hung vertically in
one of the
galleries at the museum for all visitors to see. According to Victor
an expert on Tibetan Buddhism: "The mandala is a Yamantaka-Mandala.
is the "conqueror of death", he is acting against death (yama). Insofar
may be nothing destructive in the mandala, but the relationship between
(The God of Death) and Yamantaka is ambivalent. Yamantaka has nearly
the same
appearance of Yama. "
In essence, the artificially preserved mandala at MIA encourages rather
conquers death. Death is the motifve force behind capitalism (along with
entropy) so what better way to represent this than through the glued
where death is transfixed rather than transformed.
In an articles on Victor Trimondi's site, they talk about how the
sand mandala had certain occult powers and that the Dalai Lama could
control over the area that it was constructed in. I immediately made the
connection that there is probably some black magic purpose behind
the MIA mandala and that this was the hidden intent of those at 3-M all
since many corporations are controlled by occultoids at the highest
Since the Dalai Lama was not present to officiate the construction of
mandala, someone or something else took charge, no doubt some smoke
power monger at 3M or elsewhere. Once the bonded mandala hung high and
dry, it
enabled them to cast a highly manipulative and insidious spell over MIA
, its
employees and visitors as well-getting them to unconsciously equate the
corporation with eastern spirituality and its supposed emphasis on
non-violence, compassion, altruism and liberation-that 3M was the true
benefactor in this highly ironic enterprise and not the buddhist monks
themselves who were no doubt innocent pawns in this venture .
Oddly enough, in retrospect, major corporations do indeed control MIA,
financially, artistically and perhaps even spiritually, most likely
through the
fused, death advocating sand mandala. It would be interesting to see if
corporations use capital from repressive , death based regimes in their
investment endeavors and how these investments, tainted with the blood
genocided Tibetans, Chinese political dissidents and others fighting
for human
rights, eventually filter into MIA coffers, whitewashed by board
ignorance, greed and unconscious denial of the obvious Yama subterfuge
(C)2006-Jaye Beldo