who has helped promote Wat Santi over the years.
"Falong" is the 'corruption' of the word "foreigner" in the Thai language, and as I started out the day by visiting the local Thai Forest Monks Buddhist temple, Wat Santi, up above Joshua Tree for their New Year Ceremony & Blessing, I have well-worn out my own version today of "Sawadi Pi Mai"- "Happy New Year" with a "Falong" thrown in. (Thai New Year is in April).
It was a wonderful day at the Landers temple. I was overjoyed to see my friend Pra Don (the head priest there) again, for the first time in quite a while... In the year-plus since I have been there, an amazing change has occurred- a huge temple has sprouted up like a big mushroom under the buddha-full moon!
We offered food & gifts to the forest monks present & made prayers for you & all beings, ourselves included...
It was wonderful to see good friends from all over So. Cal. on this quite chilly New Years Day, including Yucca Valley's Olivia & Joshua Tree's Ted & "Santi" Sage, among others. Ted related to me how, at a Winter Solstice Ceremony at the new Joshua Tree yoga center, "Instant Karma," his toddler son, Sage had been shouting "Yay!" at the end of every song. Even though Ted had to take him into the next room after he got scared during the song to Shiva (a frighteningly loud song about the Lord of Destruction), he still shouted "Yay!" at the end. So there was an amusing moment near the end of the Water Blessing Ceremony here. After the bowing to the Triple Gem while we chanted their praises- as it ended, Sage shouted "Yay!" as everyone shared in his joy & laughed. Pra Don then said, "He's shouting because he gets to go home now!"
(Among the many prayers we chanted in the sacred Pali language, were the following)
Araham samma-sambuddho bhagava
The Blessed One is Worthy & Rightly Self-Awakened.
Buddham bhagavantam abhivademi
I bow down before the Awakened, Blessed One.
Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One.
Dhamman namassami
I pay homage to the Dhamma.
Supatipanno bhagavato savaka-sangho
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has practiced well.
Sangham namami
I pay respect to the Sangha.
Here follows a prayer I extend to you as a "Falong New Year's Wish"...
The Sublime Attitudes
Aham sukhito homi- May I be Happy
Niddukkho homi- -May I be free from stress & pain
Avero homi- May I be free from animosity
Abyapajjho homi- May I be free from oppression
Anigho homi- May I be free from trouble
Sukhi attanam pariharami- May I look after myself with ease
Metta- Good Will*
**May all living beings be happy. May all living beings be free from animosity. May all living beings be free from oppression. May all living beings be free from trouble. May all living beings look after themselves with ease.
Karuna- Compassion
May all living beings be freed from all stress & pain.
Mudita- Appreciation
May all living beings not be deprived of the good fortune they have attained.
Upekkha- Equanimity
All living beings are the owners of their actions, heir to their actions, born of their actions, related through their actions and live dependent on their actions. Whatever they do, for good or for evil, to that will they fall heir. May all beings live happily, free from animosity. May all share in the blessings springing from the good I have done. May there be every good blessing. May the Devas protect you. Through the power of all the Buddhas, May you forever be well. May there be every good blessing. May the Devas protect you. Through the power of all the Dhamma, May you forever be well. May there be every good blessing. May the Devas protect you. Through the power of the Sangha, May you be forever be well.
*In the Tibetan tradition these are called "The Four Immeasurables" & also are represented in each one of the arms of the "Bodhisattva of Compassion," Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan: Chenrezig)
**as I unfortunately don't have all night here, I must leave out more of the Pali, but I pray you have the opportunity to visit Wat Santi & chant these and other wonderful prayers with some of the happiest humans on the planet any early morning, afternoon or evening. Please call for the meditation schedule:
Buddhist Forest Meditation Center (WAT SANTI)
60424 Reche Rd. Landers 92285-3230 (760) 364-3244
(6 miles East on Reche Rd. from Hwy. 247, Old Woman Springs Rd.)
"For an Experience of True Peace & Quiet"
Sawadi Khap!
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