Also- this just in! If you're on Facebook (or want to sign up- it's free!) check out Klaus Wille's AH-some album of about 25 photos of this night! copy & paste this link:
Email message from Dead(red)Head Karen (wishing success w/the HIGH Dez Sky Tribute) : "Go get 'em Tiger! grrrowwwl..!"
Sunny's response: "SO cosmic that you said that girl-friend..!
That 1st link on my blog is for the youtube video of Billy Corgan & the 'Spirits in the Sky Band' at the Echoplex Sky Tribute doing the Seeds "900 Million People Daily (All Making Love)" that i wanted to do last night at the show- where Sky's lyrics include one part about a tiger stalking in the this jungle tonight! (In my opinion, this is one of the songs that greatly influenced one young man that used to stand in the audience in front of Sky, mesmerized by his 'shamanic vocal talents'... Jim Morrison of the Doors..!) But I did 4 other Ah-some songs (directed by Sky): George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord," Sky's "Can't Seem to Make You Mine," Ben E. King's "Stand By Me," & Sky's "Pushin' Too Hard." In the 1st Sky/Seeds song, Host Ted Quinn rapped the lyrics of a song i wrote for Sky, "Enter the Dharma Sky," that was missing for 5 years until Ted pulled it out of the album ("Little Richie Marsh- Starlight Date" Sky's 1st album of 50's doo-wap*) that Sky gave him at the Joshua Tree "Sky Sunlight & the God-Dog Band" Sessions. All four songs are up on youtube now- you can copy & paste this link to see "Can't Seem to Make You Mine/Enter the Dharma Sky": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRN7WUF_XHo
And then, of course you can click on 'Sundowner108's Other Videos' to see the others.
This most recent version of the God-Dog Band (that beautifully backed me up) were (Instant Karma Yoga's) Geoffrey Earendil on percussion, Clive Wright (from Cock Robin/ Harold Budd/too many others 2 list) on lead electric guitar, Gene Evaro on bass, w/his beautiful sisters Shavaughn, Gabrielle & Bryanna (who all gratefully came out of the Evaro Family Band rehearsal in time to make this magic happen)... and many others who joined, like Zaina Alwan, who creates the AH-mazing P & H stage backdrops and... Pappy & Harriet's Robin! There were quite a few others, including, but not limited to, Wally Ingram's family doing back-up vocals on "Stand By Me" (& why didn't Wally come up & get on the drum-set..? I mean since Sam wasn't using them- i'm just sayin'!)& BTW, Wally's daughter Lydia is quite the performer at 4 years old!
(And for a taste of the Evaro Family's music, go to w3.peaceloveevrao.com)
Oh what a Namas-Day/Night! Heart-Felt Thanks to EVERY-ONE from Echo Park to Joshua Tree (not to even mention the AH-some Austin & No. Cal. Tributes) helping the Spirit in Sky to Come Full Circle at the time of his transition. Special thanks of course to the One who, in the middle of the "Loss of a loved one (& subsequent grieving process)" was able to create miracles to honor Sky, Sabrina Saxon! Also thanks to AH-nother Heart-Sister of Sky's, HIGH Desert-Dweller Judy Wishart who not only created an album cover for one of Sky's 80's solo albums (seen up above & to the right of the humble little Sky Shrine behind Ted Quinn in the photo of him giving one of his Sky tributes), but also brought AH-mazing old Seeds poster art & photos of his performance at P & H to share! (She is seen in the last photo, with Sabrina & me in a "Seeds-AH-Tois") Also, as i reminded everyone last night near the end of my rendition of "Can't Seem to..," Sky's 49th Day in the Bardo (in-between state, according to the Tibetan Tradition) is TODAY Aug. 13th! It would be wonderful if all who know & love Sky (even if you didn't meet him in the physical before he left) could focus, in your own spiritual preference (i.e. song, chant, mantra, prayer, meditation, etc.) on Sky merging with the BRIGHT HALO OF RAINBOW LIGHT! *I'M POSTING SOME OF THE PRAYERS BELOW HERE-(for more, email me at conchustimes@yahoo.com)
And I know all of you who couldn't be there physically, were with US in the Dharma Sky- Where SKY is SMILING, real BIG right NOW (about as big as i was last night & will be whenever i remember this night!)...
...just AH-Some!
* If you're interested in this classic 1st Sky LP, it may still be available at: http://www.nortonrecords.com/lps_exclusives.html (& only $10-! i better grab one b4 they're gone!)
Here is just one set of the final prayers in the Bardo Terdol (Tibetan Book of the Dead), that I share w/you should you have the time to read while thinking about Sky Sunlight Saxon on his 49th day (today) and visualize him merging with the BRIGHT LIGHT of LIBERATION. Should you have the interest, all of them are available here:
'The Root Verses of the Six Bardos':
O now, when the Birthplace Bardo upon me is dawning!
Abandoning idleness -- there being no idleness in [a devotee's] life --
Entering into the Reality undistractedly, listening, reflecting, and meditating,
Carrying on to the Path [knowledge of the true nature of] appearances and of mind, may the Tri-Kāya(3 bodies of Buddha-hood) be realized:
Once that the human form hath been attained,
May there be no time [or opportunity] in which to idle it [ human life] away.
O now, when the Dream Bardo upon me is dawning!
Abandoning the inordinate corpse-like sleeping of the sleep of stupidity,
May the consciousness undistractedly be kept in its natural state;
Grasping the [true nature of] dreams, [may I] train [myself] in the Clear Light of Miraculous Transformation:
Acting not like the brutes in slothfulness,
May the blending of the practicing of the sleep [state] and actual [or waking] experience be highly valued [by me].
O now, when the Dhyāna Bardo upon me is dawning!
Abandoning the whole mass of distractions and illusions,
May [the mind] be kept in the mood of endless undistracted Samādhi,
May firmness both in the visualizing and in the perfected [stages] be obtained:
At this time, when meditating one-pointedly, with [all other] actions put aside,
May I not fall under the power of misleading, stupefying passions.
O now, when the Bardo of the Moment of Death upon me is dawning!
Abandoning attraction and craving, and weakness for all [worldly things],
May I be undistracted in the space of the bright [enlightening] teachings,
May I [be able to] transfuse myself into the heavenly space of the Unborn:
The hour hath come to part with this body composed of flesh and blood;
May I know the body to be impermanent and illusory.
O now, when the Bardo of the Reality upon me is dawning,
Abandoning all awe, fear, and terror of all [phenomena],
May I recognize whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms,
May I know them to be apparitions in the Intermediate State;
[It hath been said], 'There arriveth a time when the chief turning-point is reached;
Fear not the bands of the Peaceful and Wrathful, Who are thine own thought-forms'.
O now, when the Bardo of [taking] Rebirth upon me is dawning!
One-pointedly holding fast to a single wish,
[May I be able to] continue the course of good deeds through repeated efforts;
May the womb-door be closed and the revulsion recollected:
The hour hath come when energy and pure love are needed;
[May I] cast off jealousy and meditate upon the Guru, the Father-Mother.
['O] procrastinating one, who thinketh not of the coming of death,
Devoting thyself to the useless doings of this life,
Improvident art thou in dissipating thy great opportunity;
Mistaken, indeed, will thy purpose be now if thou returnest empty-handed [from this life]:
Since the Holy Dharma is known to be thy true need,
Wilt thou not devote [thyself] to the Holy Dharma even now?'
Thus say the Great Adepts in devotion.
If the chosen teaching of the guru be not borne in mind,
Wilt thou not [O shishya] be acting even as a traitor to thyself?
It is of great importance that these Root Words be known.