A PICTURE is worth 1000 words... but a video is worth "900 Millon People Daily- All Making Love..." Billy Corgan covered this Epic AH-mazing Psychedelic Seeds Song- among others, Friday night- check it out here (copy & paste this link): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXwLfmc4Qi8
1st image is from the 1968 "Teen Scene." Next is the flyer I put together for our "last-minute" Sky Sunlight Tribute, signed by the original Seeds that were at the Echoplex, Daryl Hooper, Carl Belknap, Don Boomer & even their original road manager, Richie France! Next is the beautiful Sky Shrine put together by the Hostess, Sky's Wife Sabrina Saxon & her friends Lisa & Peter from Sandy Ego. Next is the "Climax of the Evening" photo w/everyone gathered for "Pushin' Too Hard," channeled by (Sky Tribute Artist) Don Bolles. Seeds drummer Carl Belknap is 5th person from the left. Next is the most psychelic photo (as in blurry) of Seeds keyboardist Daryl Hooper just to the right of one of the Go-Go Dancers, while Leighton Koizumi (the other Sky "Tribute Artist") sings his verse. Then Billy Corgan jams on bass in "Yahowa 33" w/Djinn Aquarian, as well as in the next photo- Is that Sky in the 'Orb' by Djinn's guitar? Next is the LA Weekly Aug. 31, 2007 special issue w/cover story on the Source Family w/Djinn on upper left. Then, "Mayor of the Sunset Strip" & old friend of Sky's Rodney Bingenheimer introduces the Electric Prunes with Prunes singer James Lowe right behind him. Next are member of the new Seeds that Sky recorded the "Red Planet" CD with at the time of the Pappy & Harriet's '04 Show: from left, Go-Go Dancer, Mark "Branch" Bellgraph, Rick "Rock N' Roll Avenger" Collins & Sky's long-time guitarist Tommy "Atomic" Azevedo. Next are (from left) Djinn Aquarian, Crystal, Rebekah & Spring Aquarian with some (human-created) "Orbs"- part of the psychedelic decorations everywhere. Next is Rick's beautiful wife Christa Collins performing Sky's "A Faded Picture," from the 'Web of Sound' LP. Then, Yogi John Franzoni, who, not only is the connection that I met Sky through, but also appeared on the cover of the LA Weekly on their special Yoga Studios issue some 2 decades ago, and who Sky is jamming with again on Etheric Tibetan Singing Bowls. Next is Yogi John, (seated) with other Source Family members, known then as "Boaz." Then the the Source Family issue again, with Sky's greeting for me signed with his Source Family name "Arelich"- he always called me "Champion." Then some of Sabrina's Shrine/decoration crew Lisa & Peter from San Diego. Then another Sky Shrine shot, followed by the human-orb (with a tiny Rodney on stage) declaring: " 'Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky!" (all photos (c) Sunny Sun-Downer)more info: SkySaxon.com SKY LIVES!
-= ;) =-
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